and the environment
The company has implemented certified quality management systems ČSN EN ISO 9001: 2016 and the environment ČSN EN ISO 14001: 2016. The company is included in the EKO-KOM joint fulfillment system under client number EK-P00020070.
The company Elektropomůcky Pardubice s.r.o is committed to achieving European standards QMS and EMS in the management and improvement of quality in all processes of production of protective equipment and organization of work activities with regard to minimizing the company's impact on the environment. Furthermore, it undertakes to constantly develop this system and continuously improve its efficiency in order to provide its customers with the best possible services in accordance with their requirements, increase its environmental performance and contribute to the social responsibility of Elektropomůcky Pardubice s.r.o.
The company identified the processes needed for an integrated management system and their application within the organization. At the same time, the criteria, methods, resources, responsibilities and authorities, risks and information needed to ensure their effective operation and management were identified. It has set up methods for their evaluation, implementation of changes and improvement.