Catalog number: 113022
Rated comparator voltage: 25 kV
The comparator is designed for use in an electrical network with a nominal voltage of 22 kV.
The phase comparator for medium voltage is used to check phase coincidence in three-phase medium voltage networks at 50 Hz frequency. Phase comparison is achieved by making contact with both conductors one after the other. The determination of phase´s coincidence (not coincidence) is signalized by the three highly illuminative LED.
The phase comparators type 113 are constructed for use in outdoor environment without any limitation (it means even in rain, fog and snow), and for indoor environment in higher humidity areas. The comparators are designed for normal climatic conditions (climatic category normal -25 °C až +55 °C).
This product received the GOLDEN AMPER award at the International trade fair AMPÉR 99.
The phase comparators are supplied in casing.